
I have always been afraid of dying. It wasn't that I was afraid of the pain of dying or anything like that, but that I was afraid that if I died, there would be no more proof that I had lived.I was thinking, "If I die, everything will be over. I am really afraid that all the experiences, memories, and everything I have accumulated will be like deleting data from a video game and pretend it never happened. It's strange, isn't it? Even though it comes to everyone equally and is inevitable for everyone, since that time, I was the only one who was abnormally afraid of dying. I'll just assume that I did something wrong in the afterlife and was subjected to the time-consuming execution that is life. Oh, I'm sorry! I am sorry!

I believe that the body is a prison. If I die, I can escape immediately, but the reason why I don't is because I am afraid of dying, as I mentioned before. It's like when something you want is right in front of you and you are told that you can accept it, but you don't because you are afraid (for no reason...).But I am still alive. Living is somehow fun. loooooooool! Here is the proof of my life, here are my footprints!

Look at this! This picture was taken a few years ago in a certain place in Japan.
Perhaps this picture was painted decades ago, but the atmosphere of that time,
or the fact that we live in a world that experienced such an era, makes me wonder.
It is interesting, isn't it?

I have recently been thinking fondly of the times when I was born. It may come as a surprise to you, but I was born in the 2000s. Well, it's not so surprising now, is it? My apologies! The popular things in my childhood were Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, and so on. At that time, SNS was not as popular on the Internet as it is now, and I think that many people were communicating on their personal sites or blogs. I miss those days when the Internet was just starting to develop and people still had unlimited hope for the Internet. In the 2000s, I was still a small child and did not know about the Internet. I was the kind of kid who would play around in playgrounds in stores and amusement parks, and I miss that. It felt like I was dreaming. In my mind, I was still a child, and sometimes I looked forlornly at a world that had progressed too far! Isn't it cute?

People I don't know well appear in my dreams, but they are, decidedly, people I have seen somewhere before, or even knew before I was born. They have always been like that, ever since I was a little boy. They appear only in my dreams and are ephemeral, unknown to anyone else. People say that my dreams are "the dreams you have when you have the flu," but my dreams are always disjointed, almost always nostalgic, yet reminiscent of the "future" images I vaguely dreamed of as a child. The days when I lived aimlessly with a dreamy, hazy mind are now a distant memory, but every time I dream, such lovely feelings are dug up from the grave. ...... Ah, the spirit of memory!

I suddenly remembered that I hate people who look at children in a sexual way.
When I was a boy, I was almost violently assaulted by a middle-aged man who looked at underage boys in a sexual way,
and I have hated pedophiles ever since.
Unfortunately, Japan is a corrupt country that does not crack down on these evil people
but sympathizes with them and praises child pornography on the Internet. Some countries are very strict about such things,
but I think Japan is the most lenient country in the world toward criminals.
I don't know if I was a child who seemed to be unguarded, or if I was a childish child, but I was constantly being targeted by strange people.
I don't know if I was a childish child or not, but I was constantly targeted by strange people.
Frankly, I think all pedophiles should die so that there will be no more children like me. It's a metaphor, but that's how much I hate them.
Thus, at times the memories of that time come back to me vividly and painfully, and at the same time, I will always hold a grudge against the perpetrators.
I will never forgive the sex offenders.